Monday, November 29, 2010

The Vid.

This is the newest installment of the animations I have been working on. My friend Lizzy suggested that we pump out an animation a week. So, here is the first week's one.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The actual studio...

So, that thing I posted before-didn't happen. However, moving my stuff into my old room did and here is what's going on:

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ah! Finally. I am going to be able to get some SPACE. No more bookshelf cubby-holes for this one. I am going to be bunking up with my friend and illustrator Danielle in the basement of the YMCA. Tomorrow, is when we give our signatures over. We have in until December and then a community college is buying out the space...but, chins to the sky space and time are valuable.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh, dreams...

So, I am infatuated with this 3D illustrator studio place: It's simply awesome what they do and they deserve much, much love. I will be salivating in their honor, join me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Here is a new animation I made for the art/music show BominWealth that happens about 4 times a year. The next one will be in January, and I will make sure to update when it gets closer. The goal is to have the new animation ready for it!

Revamped Set

Oi! So much gets in the way. I just want one of those 'cow catcher' devices found on the front of steam trains, but for TIME! Then I would deflect all the annoying things that happen for most of my day. I honestly hate people and I am paid to be nice to them...but here's the set because its more interesting then neutral ramblings. The set needed to be grey for the white figures to stand out. Art studio coming soo, so there is much excitement to actually get rolling with all of this business.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Basically, I have the set in place. I am in the process of painting it and putting the other characters into it. I thought I was going to use the DSLR camera, but I think that shows too much detail. I might just go with my crappy web cam. It seems to do the trick with the 'Heado' animation. The rambling thoughts. Here are the picks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

A little PowerPoint experimenting...

Monday, July 12, 2010

eskiosdosiza.jpg (JPEG Image, 1226x997 pixels) - Scaled (56%)

eskiosdosiza.jpg (JPEG Image, 1226x997 pixels) - Scaled (56%)

I dunt know much about architecture, but I like Alvaro Siza's drawings. They are clean movement.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mascot and more glamour skeleton shots

A new puppet and mascot

So, I have been working on these guys for a little while now, but they are finally near completion. The skeleton will be used in an animation and the flying chipmunk, well he's just cute and can hang out for a while...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heado Animation

This is the start of it!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Iron Giant

I watched part of the "Iron Giant" last night. I know, 'half measures avail us nothing' however, it's not so much the plot I was interested in but the effects-how the drawings were made. They look hand drawn, but they're not, entriely. I am sure for an animation savvy individual this would come as no surprise, but for someone like me who is currently caught in between worlds of the creator and the wide-eyed willing audience- the 'hand drawn' look is generally pulled off. I began to wonder about the (for lack of a better word) seamless 'plane changes' in the objects and the robot. In one of the initial scenes, Hogarth rides his red bike past the camera and away. There is a high level of perspective change, in the bike-it was almost flawless in how it turned. But it was the robot that gave it away for me-nearly perfect and fast moving I couldn't conceptualize how that would be achieved by hand. When I wonder about whether or not computers were involved in the production, I always turn my memory to 'The Jungle Book' there is a flatness to a lot of hand worked imagery. It's not stiff, but the characters are not moving in a dymamic and fast paced way.

Brad Bird, the director states in an interview with Animation World Magazine online 'Well, we just tried to remove all the things that separate hand-drawn stuff from CGI. Rather than trying to make the hand-drawn stuff have the look of CGI, we thought we should try to make the CGI look hand-drawn.

"We even created a software program to wobble the lines of the Giant just a little bit. Not enough to make them look like they're badly-drawn, but to make them a little less perfect than they would normally be. It's a very subtle effect. You can't see it a lot. A lot of people don't know that the Giant is computer-animated, and that, to me, says that we did our job. If we did our job, you won't feel that there's any difference."

C'est super-cool. Programs and hands- this is definitly one in a million, watch it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Les menage a'mations

These are WIPs, however the last one is in video. I'll have to figure out how to post it.

Best to East

This is great. I think it's the start of a beautiful thing.